runningwild/ (more...)

( That's me behind the mask, spot me )

sh0rtt1ger - cross me and i'll bring you down.

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runningwild/ (more...)

( That's me behind the mask, spot me )

I'm Tully and I'm not from Earth :) -Shorter profile will be neater-

( Affiliates )
Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend
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( Layout Credits )
Layout done by 16thday :) Banner from The Fading Night, mini icons from Inspired by The Atlantic.

Saturday, August 28, 2010, 5:11 PM

Wishlist for the month:

1) Savings Plan to come into effect as of 9/9/10 - first pay!


1) Flat screen tv - can't think of the technical term. sorreh!
2) New car
3) First home
4) AX Watch I've had my eye on for so LONG
5) iPhone 4


Right now, all I wish for is a healthy looking savings account after the deposit of my first pay cheque. I have set myself a goal of saving $xx,xxx over 6 months and believe it is attainable if sacrifices are made. Definitely possible.

Yawn. It's 821am - SLEEP!

( Layout Credits )
Layout done by 16thday :) Banner from The Fading Night, mini icons from Inspired by The Atlantic.

Saturday, August 28, 2010, 5:11 PM

Wishlist for the month:

1) Savings Plan to come into effect as of 9/9/10 - first pay!


1) Flat screen tv - can't think of the technical term. sorreh!
2) New car
3) First home
4) AX Watch I've had my eye on for so LONG
5) iPhone 4


Right now, all I wish for is a healthy looking savings account after the deposit of my first pay cheque. I have set myself a goal of saving $xx,xxx over 6 months and believe it is attainable if sacrifices are made. Definitely possible.

Yawn. It's 821am - SLEEP!