runningwild/ (more...)

( That's me behind the mask, spot me )

sh0rtt1ger - cross me and i'll bring you down.

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runningwild/ (more...)

( That's me behind the mask, spot me )

I'm Tully and I'm not from Earth :) -Shorter profile will be neater-

( Affiliates )
Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend
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( Layout Credits )
Layout done by 16thday :) Banner from The Fading Night, mini icons from Inspired by The Atlantic.

the job appn.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 9:06 AM

So yeah;

Job application to ________ has been so positive thus far. Second round of interview took place midday yesterday and received a call three hours later to invite me back for a psychometric assessment.

Boy did that assessment live up to its name. I hell stressed over that shit all night, taking practice tests online in hopes of boosting my 'common sense' levels hah. Lost an ample amount of sleep because I kept replaying questions in my head. So yep, it fucked me over in terms of alertness BUT! With or without the practice, I raped it good today. It was, in all seriousness, the easiest test I have ever taken in my life. Grammar, accuracy and numeracy were tested today with just 8 minutes to complete each set. I took a personality computer test which fucked me over because.. it just did.

Anyway.. I'm hoping this is the FINAL stage of testings and what-not; kind of sick of having to dress up for it and doing preparations as well as being crazily anxious about the interview. In my understanding they have filtered as many as 15 applications down to the handful that were chosen to proceed to the 2nd round and then to the testing phase. Fingers crossed! Hoping to be the lucky girl with the golden ticket.


on a side note


Some people just annoy me to great lengths.

Let me put it out there:

People who find the need to brag about themselves on so many levels is fucking annoying and should be shot. Seriously. *bang*


On a happier note -

I cleaned my room. yay.

( Layout Credits )
Layout done by 16thday :) Banner from The Fading Night, mini icons from Inspired by The Atlantic.

the job appn.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 9:06 AM

So yeah;

Job application to ________ has been so positive thus far. Second round of interview took place midday yesterday and received a call three hours later to invite me back for a psychometric assessment.

Boy did that assessment live up to its name. I hell stressed over that shit all night, taking practice tests online in hopes of boosting my 'common sense' levels hah. Lost an ample amount of sleep because I kept replaying questions in my head. So yep, it fucked me over in terms of alertness BUT! With or without the practice, I raped it good today. It was, in all seriousness, the easiest test I have ever taken in my life. Grammar, accuracy and numeracy were tested today with just 8 minutes to complete each set. I took a personality computer test which fucked me over because.. it just did.

Anyway.. I'm hoping this is the FINAL stage of testings and what-not; kind of sick of having to dress up for it and doing preparations as well as being crazily anxious about the interview. In my understanding they have filtered as many as 15 applications down to the handful that were chosen to proceed to the 2nd round and then to the testing phase. Fingers crossed! Hoping to be the lucky girl with the golden ticket.


on a side note


Some people just annoy me to great lengths.

Let me put it out there:

People who find the need to brag about themselves on so many levels is fucking annoying and should be shot. Seriously. *bang*


On a happier note -

I cleaned my room. yay.